State Fair Hound

An independent view of the New York State Fair

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Countdown Photo–8 Weeks

Hawk Creek Wildlife sets up a tent with a  variety of wild birds next to the reflecting pool. Visitors can get a rare up-close look at eagles, falcons , hawks owls and others

Hawk Creek Wildlife sets up a tent with a variety of raptor next to the reflecting pool. Visitors can get a rare up-close look at eagles, falcons , hawks, owls and other feathered hunters. Lectures and demonstrations are scheduled daily. It’s one of the Fair’s best wildlife exhibits. 

Countdown Photo–9 Weeks

A wood craftsman work on a lathe in the Agriculture Museum. Many talented demonstrators show their skills close-up every day.

A wood craftsman works on a lathe in the Agriculture Museum. Many talented demonstrators show their skills close-up every day.

Countdown Photo–10 Weeks

A handmade rug with the New York State Fair logo is one of many projects on display as part of the arts and crafts competition in the Art and Home Center.

A handmade rug with the New York State Fair logo was one of many projects on display as part of the arts and crafts competition in the Art and Home Center. The A&H is loaded with examples of the artistic talent of New Yorkers, making it a great place to spend time on rainy or excessively hot days at the Fair.

Countdown Photo–11 Weeks

The wide walkways that lead to the midway offer great views and heart-pounding anticipation.

The wide walkways that lead to the midway offer great views and heart-pounding anticipation. One of your toughest Fair decisions will be what to do first.

Countdown Photo–12 Weeks

The replica longhouse is an annual must-see exhibit for visitors tot he New York State Fair Iroquois Village. It's a fascinating look at the traditional home of the original inhabitants of the Onondaga Lake region.

The replica Iroquois longhouse is an annual must-see exhibit for visitors to the New York State Fair. One of dozens of free attractions, it’s a fascinating look at the traditional home of the original inhabitants of the Onondaga Lake region.

Countdown Photo–13 Weeks

Fists fly as two young boxers duke it out at the Sports Activity Center. Check the Fair schedule and arrive early for a ringside seat.

Fists fly as two young boxers duke it out at the Sports Activity Center. Check the Fair schedule and arrive early for a ringside seat.

Countdown Photo–14 Weeks

One great souvenir you can take home from a day at the Fair is a caricature done by a midway artist-in-residence.

One great souvenir you can take home from a day at the Fair is a caricature done by a midway artist-in-residence.

Harness Some Fun

Most spring and summer weekends at the New York State Fairgrounds feature horse shows in the Coliseum and other locations. Generally, admission is free and parking is right on the grounds. Take your camera and watch these beauties kick up dirt with grace and athleticism.

Most spring and summer weekends at the New York State Fairgrounds feature horse shows in the Coliseum and other locations. Generally, admission is free and parking is right on the grounds. Take your camera and watch these beauties kick up dirt with grace and athleticism.

Media Master

Congratulations are in order to New York State Fair spokesperson Dave Bullard who was honored last week by the Syracuse Press Club. Dave received the Philip A. Hoffman President’s Award as the best news source for his work in spreading the word about the Fair and assisting the journalists who cover it. DAVE MIDWAY 16

The award recognizes that, as the Fair’s lead PR guy, Dave is a top-notch ambassador for the Empire State’s greatest event, but let’s not forget that he supplements his efficiency and responsiveness with a warm, witty, charming personality that make it a pleasure for the media types who depend on him to get the scoop on the Great New York State Fair.

Dave’s enthusiasm for the Fair is genuine and he makes it contagious.

Countdown Photo–15 Weeks

This fearless beekeeper held his swarm of honey makers in the Horticulture Building gazebo. You can buy there delicious products nearby.

This fearless beekeeper held his swarm of honey makers in the Horticulture Building gazebo during the 2017 New York State Fair. Buzz over this year and don’t forget to buy their delicious products nearby.

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