As the sun set on Labor Day, New York State Fair 2105 faded out. After one last Chevy Court crowd in what’s being called the court’s biggest year ever, fireworks pieced the humid air above the Fairgrounds and fans reluctantly surged toward the exits.
The double-dose of disappointment that comes with the closing of the Fair really hurts. With the dismantling of the rides, closing of the buildings and shuttering of the food stands comes the end of school vacation and the holiday weekend. This year there is some compensation in expected relief from the torrid temperatures that dogged fairgoers for the past week.
For exhausted workers, Fair employees and even some of the animals, there may be time for overdue rest before assessment of this year’s success and planning for next year begins. Likewise, your State Fair Hound will spend the next week or two looking back, reflecting, critiquing, remembering, sharpening the focus on this go-round before forging ahead with ideas and projections for the next New York State Fair.
The Hound invites you to join our journey to Aug. 25, 2016. At State Fair Hound it’s always Fair season.