State Fair Hound

An independent view of the New York State Fair

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Who’s Hungry?

It’s back to normal eating since the Fair closed on Labor Day, but we have the memories of that amazing Fair chow.

Some stands were demolished and relegated to tents, but Restaurant Row remains, with anchors such as Bosco's attracting loyal customers.

Some stands were demolished and relegated to tents, but Restaurant Row remains, with anchors such as Bosco’s attracting loyal customers.


Food trucks lined Chevy Court on Sep. 3, adding to the spectacular array of culinary choices.

Food trucks lined Chevy Court on Sep. 3, adding to the spectacular array of culinary choices.


It wouldn't be the Fair without once-a-year favorites like funnel cake.

It wouldn’t be the Fair without once-a-year favorites like funnel cake.

Losing Face

The new York State Fair got some notice on the west coast when the following article, sand-16submitted by Hound correspondent Mike Greenstein, appeared in the Seattle Times under the heading “Blame It On Rio.”

Vandals damaged a sand-sculpture likeness of Justin Bieber at the New York State Fair. No truth to the rumor that four members of the U.S. swim team urinated on it.

Creature Feature

Aside from the food, there’s probably nothing more popular at the Fair than the animals.

State Fair Hound photographer Nick LoPresti snapped these lovely creatures on his travels around the grounds.




Bumper to Bumper Cars

It seems logical that before the traffic flow problems that plagued the 2016 New York State Fair can be remedied, there has to be an analysis of what caused them. Sure, it’s too many cars headed to the same places at the same time. It was especially horrific on Sep. 2, the day of the Florida-Georgia Line concert at the amphitheater, as concert fans headed for the orange lot at the same time fairgoers poured into the area to enjoy a lovely Friday afternoon on the grounds.

Fair officials and television commercials heavily lobbied for the use of Centro’s park-and-ride system, orange-lot-bus-16suggesting that people heading for Geddes would have an easier trip if they bussed in from lots in Camillus, Dewitt, downtown, Long Branch Park and other spots. But many reports suggested that mobs of concert fans and Fair patrons stood in long lines and found their own headaches using that system.

Meanwhile, as parking lots neared capacity and entrance ramps were occasionally closed, traffic was diverted or stalled altogether.

Apparent causes of the traffic issues include:

Fewer parking spaces due to reconfiguration of the Fairgrounds.

Not enough driveways into and out of lots, especially when entrances were closed.

Amphitheater shows adding to congestion as more people converged on the area at the same time.

Use of lots was at times inefficient as they were closed or cars were directed to long lines for distant spaces when there were open spaces nearby.

Record crowds approaching from all directions encouraged by nice weather and curiosity to see the changed venue, APPROACHING CROWD 16not to mention the Paw Patrol effect.

Possible ways to improve the system:

Get Live Nation to avoid scheduling concerts at the amp during the Fair. Grandstand shows helped draw customers—the new venue just makes it more difficult to attend.

If people are to be convinced that bussing in from satellite locations is easier, it has to actually be made easier, perhaps by adding locations and certainly by adding busses.

Do whatever can be done to open up space on or near Fair property that could be used for additional parking.

There are only so many roads and highways, but maybe more ramps and entrances could be opened to get cars off the roads quicker.

Use cameras to monitor lots for open spaces and keep accurate track of parking spaces.

Use trams to bring patrons through the park area from Long Branch Park.

To be honest, trying to figure this out is headache-inducing. It’s not fun as the Fair should be. But it is important to get this straight. A repeat of this mess next year is not acceptable and could actually cause people to avoid attending the Fair.

Be assured we haven’t heard the last of this discussion.


FIREWORKS OVER GATE 16No doubt, the attendance numbers for the 2016 New York State Fair were stunning, shattering the previous record by over 106,000. It’s ironic, though hardly surprising, to realize that the amazing achievements of this year, starting with the redesign, also presented the toughest challenges and provoked the harshest criticism.

There seems to be plenty of space for 100k-plus throngs to swarm the grounds, that’s not the problem. Clearly, getting everyone in and parked was overwhelming, as traffic jams and park-and-ride hassles proved repeatedly. Then there was the challenge of people navigating the grounds, providing patronage for vendors in all corners, including those who were relocated, sometimes grudgingly.TROY INTERVIEW 16

State Fair Hound will take a stab at coming up with some suggestions, while keeping all criticism constructive. Really, how tough can you be on an entertainment venue for being too successful?

There have predictably and appropriately been numerous news reports, several indicating that Fair planners are already looking forward to improving methods and procedures. Don’t forget, the Fair and Acting Director Troy Waffner in particular, are always appreciative for feedback from the public. Submit yours on the website,

But before we go any further, thanks and congratulations are in order to the Fair staff. State Fair Hound has seen first hand how hard they work DOMINIC 16and how devoted they are to making this event one of the best of it’s kind in the nation. Over the course of the next year, The Hound will occasionally share photos of those who worked so hard. We start today with Troy, above being interviewed, and with Dominic, who spoke with obvious pride about his role in keeping the Fairgrounds looking great.

Thank you everyone. Great job.



Gate Crashers

Prior to the 2016 New York State Fair, State Fair Hound made an obvious prediction–this year would be like no other. UPSIDE 16Judging by the record-shattering attendance alone, that proved to be true.

But this Fair distinguished itself in so many ways, some positive, others less so. The coming days will bring reflection and evaluation, criticism and praise. But let’s wait for the dust to settle, both literally and figuratively, before going that route. For now, suffice to say, it’s a Fair that won’t be forgotten.

Just by attending, you are part of history, a number that organizers could only have hoped to achieve. If you feel a little let down that it’s over, look ahead as this sign near the Christmas tree display encourages, CHRISTMAS SIGN 16and follow State Fair Hound for much more analysis, commentary, deliberation and many photos of what has miraculously transpired. Farewell New York State Fair until next year.

Child’s Play

All kids love going to the New York State Fair, but some are there for more than a fun time.

This Haudenosuanee girl delighted a crowd in the Iroquois Village.

This Haudenosuanee girl delighted a crowd in the Iroquois Village.


This young cowboy practiced his roping skills outside the horse barn.

This young cowboy practiced his roping skills outside the horse barn.


Rolling Home

The space known as the infield is gone from the 2016 New York State Fair and that area, once home to the Fair’s largest RV parking lot, is now occupied primarily by the expanded Wade Shows midway. A new RV park has been built on the site of the demolished Grandstand. RV PARK, DOG, RIDES 16The new campground has increased capacity from  222 to 313 spaces, all 20 feet wide, 40 feet deep and angled to allow access.

“Most important is it’s full-service now,” Acting Director Troy Waffner told State Fair Hound. “It has water, sewer, electric, which is properly graded so everything gets 50 amps now. It’s all graded in stone. It’s not finished, there’s going to be six inches of topsoil put in after the Fair. But since it’s graded, when it rains, it doesn’t turn into a swamp. It’s not lakefront property. It doesn’t turn mushy. It’s a much better presentation, a much better stay for the people.”

While this year RV park residents have had to make do with a gravel lot, the promised grass will add immeasurably to the ambience and comfort of the landscape. RV PARK TABLE16In terms of noise, campers have replaced the roar of Grandstand concerts and motorsports for the din of thrill rides and the screams of daredevils, an arguably even trade.

Monday Fun Day

Monday is your last chance to be part of Fair history as the attendance record is all but assured to fall this year. It’s been a sensational Fair, PAW PATROL MOB 16highlighted by the stunning makeover of the grounds and punctuated by the masses of kids and parents tolerating long lines for the mindboggling popularity of the Paw Patrol show.

There have also been plenty of colorful characters to meet, including those pictured below.





Sky Liners

The mottled sky makes this swinging trip even better.

The mottled sky makes this swinging trip even better.

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