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The homeless-to-high-flying pooches of Canines in Flight put on a great show daily at 1:30, 4:30 and 6:30 at the New York State Fair. Their arena is in the Family Fun Zone, just past the Expo Center. The rescue dogs track down Frisbees and splash into a pool for about 30 minutes every show. Photo and petting opportunities abound, so it’s a must-see for dog lovers.
One innovative event at the New York State Fair that has caught on in the past few years is the Taste NY Food Truck competition.
This year the convoy rolls into a new location in the New York Experience festival grounds on Sunday and Monday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
About 20 trucks will be on hand each day, all serving $3 samples of their tastiest cuisine, competing for votes from customers. The top three vote-getters each day receive Aldi gift cards of $1,000, $500 or $250, courtesy of the grocery company.
Sample items include such creative eats as baked Alaska, Thai sesame crunch, trash can sundae and Maryland crab mac and cheese. Competitors are required primarily to use food products grown or made in New York for their entrees.
The underrated stars of livestock at the New York State Fair are the cute and curious goats on display every day in their barn near Restaurant Row.
The pet-worthy kids can be seen in their stalls all day, straining to reach above the fencing and bleating for attention.
They’re are also taken out for grooming, judging and milking, giving visitors a good look at the variety of colors and sizes, highlighted, of course by the adorable babies.
There’s a whole schedule of events available on the Fair website
With Labor Day looming, Central New York grapples with the traditional dilemma of how to really enjoy the holiday weekend while contemplating the grim reality that the end of the summer season is just a couple of days away.
The solution to this paradox is what it’s always been–head out to the New York State Fair, where its easy to forget the pending Tuesday hangover while reveling in the funnel cakes, gyrating rides, remarkable critters and blasting fireworks (this year on Saturday).
Once last party with dancing Iroquois, hilarious Hilby and spicy sausage is just what the doctor ordered for those who are suffering from a September swoon.
Arrive early in anticipation of big crowds and make certain to hit all of your favorites.
Summer doesn’t end around here until we wrap up those two glorious weeks of Empire State thrills.
If you’re heading out to the New York State Fair on Saturday, make it an early arrival.
The Saturday before Labor Day has traditionally been one of the big attendance days each year and this year presents an unnecessary challenge, a concert featuring hip hop acts Mary J.Blige and NAS on the nearby Lakeview Amphitheater stage.
Even with changes made over the past few year–increasing parking spaces, paving the orange lot and changing bus routes, it’s unreasonable to expect a smooth drive into the State Fair when thousands of fans will also be converging on the Mistake by the Lake.
No need to stay home–just make it an early day at the Fair. There’s plenty of fun to be had for those arriving by mid-morning and you can be glad as you drive home that you’re not part of the inevitable traffic jam.
The ice rink is gone from the New York State Fair, but the Exposition Center is still cool, literally.
Now in its sophomore season, the massive building that hosted hockey and skating last year continues as home to “I Love NY” tourism exhibits, while also hosting turf sports events.
The sand sculpture has returned to its traditional home in the Center of Progress.
The new Christmas in August and family movie nights will also be held in the Arena.
Lots of seating, efficient air conditioning, modern rest rooms and Peppino’s Detroit-style pizza add to the reasons to stop in.
Grange day recognizes the farmers’ advocacy organization in New York State.
It’s a good time to chow down at the popular Grange Ox Roast stand and to catch a stage show in the Grange Building, near the diary cattle barn.
Don’t forget to stop at the State Fair history exhibit, which is located in the building. If you’ve already seen it, it’s worth seeing it again.
Your admission price discount for Saturday’s New York State Fair is in your closet or dresser drawer.
Just dress in Syracuse University Orange clothing and you get in for just a dollar.
For most local folks, chances are good that you have something to wear that will qualify.
If you don’t have official SU apparel, just put on an orange-colored shirt or cap and that will probably work.
If you’re really a Cornell, Colgate or (gasp) Duke fan, no one will know.
Before heading out to the Fair on Saturday, log in to and sign the petition imploring the greedy bureaucrats who run the university to back off demands that local business Lock 1 Distilling stop using the name Cuse Juice. This community is certainly supportive of SU, so for once they should return the favor.