The situation with new director of the New York State Fair, Thomas Ryan, is puzzling. The guy gets appointed with no Fair experience, a complete stranger to local folks and the Fair community. Cuomo even gives him a guide dog by naming former director Tom Young to assist him.
Then he proves to be a virtual recluse. When’s that last time the Fair played out for the entire 12-day run without the director even being seen in public? Think back to how much good will was generated by Wayne Gallagher and Peter Cappuccilli Jr., each playing the part of public relations director and the face of the Fair, smiling on all the local television news shows, doing newspaper interviews and personal appearances and just by being visible on the grounds during the Fair.
Was Ryan even on hand when Cuomo and Lieutenant Governor What’s-His-Name visited? We didn’t see him in the photos. Is he locked in his office or what? In one extremely rare public statement, he said he’s working behind the scenes to improve the Fair. That’s fine, but it’s only half the job.
Ironically, it was Andy’s father, former governor Mario Cuomo, who gave us the amazing Gallagher, who helped train the always-personable Cappuccilli. Arrogant Andy may just be asserting his megalomania by playing puppet master over the Fair. Every public statement about the Fair comes from Cuomo or his Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets, Darrel Aubertine.
If the Gov didn’t have enough confidence in this guy to let him off the leash, why did he hire him? As disturbing as this development is, try out this rumor. There’s speculation out there, not confirmed by any reliable source, that Cuomo is planning to privatize the Fair. Let’s put the brakes on that incredibly bad idea before it even starts. And in the meantime, let’s get a real director. The people of New York deserve one.