It was great to read recent quotes in the Post-Standard from New York State Fair Director Troy Waffner touting the advance work going on to prepare for the 2021 Fair. They inspired State Fair Hound to dream up a few quirky ideas for this year.
For instance, each year the New York State Fair designates a long list of special days dedicated to specific groups of people, major state industries or Fair traditions. There’s Dairy Day, Native American Day, Women’s Day and many others, some coming with free admission deals, parade recognition, related competitions or awards and so on. 
Now that we’re gearing up for an 18-day event, maybe we need some more days, ones that haven’t been held prior to this year.
Suggestions? The Hound just happens to have a few. Try these:
Teachers Day. Honor those who dedicate their lives to educating children and adults. Free admission for teachers and maybe awards or professional recognition ceremonies.
Country music day. The Fair has some making up to do with country music fans, once the most loyal concert patrons, so fill one day with down-home music, dancing and festivities.
Healthy Food Day. No, really–Encourage vendors to highlight their non-fried options and offer special promotional deals and stage cooking demonstrations in the Art and Home Center kitchen.
Dog Day. Set up special events to allow canine-loving folks to show off their best friends.
Include a performing dog show or dog-agility competition. Expand on pet adoption opportunities. Stand down, cat lovers. We all know that they wouldn’t enjoy being surrounded by a crowd of strangers.
Iroquois Sports Day. Promote demonstrations and competition in the Expo Center hosted by Six-Nations athletes in lacrosse, archery, running and whatever makes sense. Have crafters demonstrate how sticks and bows are made. Maybe give some children’s groups a chance to take the field.
Brotherhood Day. Yes, this should be every day, but how about special recognition for organizations who make kindness and generosity their mission.
New York Tourism day. Set up special presentations from several of New York’s terrific tourist sites. Feature the Baseball Hall of Fame, Saratoga Racetrack, Niagara Falls, Bethel Park, Corning Glass, Lake Placid and the Women’s Hall of Fame. Let’s not forget to highlight a few lesser-known gems like Syracuse’s own Erie Canal Museum.
Syracuse University Sports Day. This happened before, so make it a regular. Give admission discounts for Orange-attired patrons and promote sale of related memorabilia. Do it on the day of a game and screen the event inside the Expo Center.
Syracuse Jazz Fest Day. This idea was previously proposed by Jazz Fest Director Frank Malfitano as a way of presenting the beloved event which showcases national and local acts.The question has been how to finance it, but it’s worth trying to find sponsors to pay for a day-long schedule of music at Chevy Court. It would be a surefire crowd-pleaser, no doubt. 
New York Railroad Day with demos and presentations at the historic train exhibit and the model railroad display. If 2019’s bubble train returns, sight-seeing rides would be great.
These are just a start. Join us in thinking up other possibilities.